Writing is simple. I’m not sure whether it could be easy to anyone. Writing is just like when we are speaking but instead of projecting our voice to speak up, writing just need us to move our fingers and use our mind to guide what we are going to write. For my personal experience, writing, especially in the blog is really rare. I'm not used to write in the blog or even in diary. Normally, just do it when necessary, when I need to remember something, when I need to do my assignment or whenever I have to do my work! But not for diary and blog! I have tried it before, however, it was not maintained and there was no update for a year!!! He he..
But knowing a friend who has a blog, they are actually giving me an interest to write. It will be something good actually, when free time comes!! Maybe this time I have to discipline myself to assure that this blog must be always updated. Hopefully this time I will make it happen. Let it be a new hobby….
But knowing a friend who has a blog, they are actually giving me an interest to write. It will be something good actually, when free time comes!! Maybe this time I have to discipline myself to assure that this blog must be always updated. Hopefully this time I will make it happen. Let it be a new hobby….
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